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 03-27-2017, 01:00 Post: 41363

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 Metal vs. Vinyl vs. T1-11 Siding

I have been pricing various option for siding my barn. It seems the cost for T1-11 siding is the cheapest (not including paint) by a significant amount. My calculated cost for materials per 100 sq ft. is $66 for Metal, $55 vinyl (including OSB), $18.75 for T1-11 (Home Depot). Why do so many people using metal or what am I missing here? Personally I like the look of Vinyl more than metal, but it takes much more labor to install the vinyl that the metal.

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 03-27-2017, 05:55 Post: 41364

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 Metal vs. Vinyl vs. T1-11 Siding

Peters is always talking about critters of various sorts eating his wood siding. Do you live in a part of the country where that happens? Also last time I looked, T1-11 was about 18 bucks a sheet, or 32 to 36 square feet, depending of which type you buy.

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 03-27-2017, 10:49 Post: 41372

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 Metal vs. Vinyl vs. T1-11 Siding

If metal means aluminum, it fares poorly in hail. We have vinyl siding over foam. That combination attracted ladybugs during last fall's plague. Like many people around here, we still have piles of dead ladybugs falling out from under the siding--and we're now awaiting this year's plague. It would be nice if they at least added to the R-value.

I broke a vinyl corner piece on our garage with my bucket. The way the stuff hooks together, replacement is about impossible without taking everything off and starting over. I just deck-screwed the broken parts back on to the wood--OK for a garage I guess. Maybe there are repair tricks for vinyl I haven't figured out.

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 03-27-2017, 15:44 Post: 41377
Post: 41377
 Metal vs. Vinyl vs. T1-11 Siding

Each type of sideing you mentioned has it's own shortcomeings and advantages, you've already read a few in the above posts.

I have vinyl on my house, steel on one shed, t1-11 on the workshop, and an old barn that still has wood sideing, in it's day it was called "car sideing" because it of it's prominent use on railroad box cars.

I have no favorite, the vinyl on the house was riddled from a hail storm in '99, and we replaced it with vinyl because it was availabe in a style she liked. The steel didn't fair much better, but was less than one year old and was replaced at no charge under the warrenty. the t1-11 on the workshop had not been built yet, so the jury is still out. The old wood barn with an old wood shake shingle roof, remained un-damaged. But, paint seems to last only three years, and I HATE PAINTING. Haven't had any critter damage, but feed is readily available, and probably more palletable to them.s o they leave the structure alone, not to mention the protection of a dog that will chase any rodent, anytime.

Get whatever style and color you like, that fits your budget, and the type of material is a secondary choice. Mother Nature cares little what you do, she does her own thing.

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 03-27-2017, 20:38 Post: 41379
Billy Passmore

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 Metal vs. Vinyl vs. T1-11 Siding

If it were me? I'd go metal. It will out last either of the other two.

T1-11 is durable but to make it look worth a dang, you'll have to paint or stain it. And it won't out last metal.

Vinyl siding looks great but has no strength at all. I'd bet it wouldn't last as long as T1-11.

Metal will be there for a life time. Just look at some of those old barns with metal roofs.



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 03-28-2017, 01:32 Post: 41381

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 Metal vs. Vinyl vs. T1-11 Siding

Metal is not the best looking material but the probably will last the best. The hail resistance is related to the thickness. I place the 23 gauge on my new barn.
PVC is good for a while but will not withstand any impacts after a time.
Did you consider the cement board panels. I don't know how the panels would compare in price.
I guess the other factor in the price is the material to build a wall. With the metal you can place the studs up to 4 feet apart like in an old barn with the rough 1 inch boards. The vinyl or OSB I would think you would need them closer.

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 03-28-2017, 06:27 Post: 41388
David Carpenter

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 Metal vs. Vinyl vs. T1-11 Siding

Here in Texas the hardi-panels are about 15 cents a sheet cheaper than the T1-11. They take paint really well and seem to keep it on. I used the panels for my garage about 3 1/2 years ago and the paint still looks almost new. The only negatives I can think of are the weight of each panel(about 80 lbs for a 4' x 8' sheet) and the fact you have to use a nail gun. But the use of a nail gun makes short work of the installation. You can use the Hardi planks also if you like the look better. I think they come in 12" x 12' lengths. All the places here carry them and the panel and the planks are just a little cheaper than it's wood counterpart.

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 04-07-2017, 11:49 Post: 42905

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 Metal vs. Vinyl vs. T1-11 Siding

Nellie, look into Hardipanel. It is a concrete-based product that is warrantied for 50 years against termites and I would suppose other knawing pests. The product comes in panels like T1-11 and costs little more, if at all, than the other products you mentioned. It holds paint very well. I have it on my farm house in East Texas where the termites are vicious. Look at the company's site, www.jameshardie.com. I don't work for them, I just like to see an excellent product recognized!

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 04-08-2017, 22:10 Post: 43904

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 Metal vs. Vinyl vs. T1-11 Siding

I'm using hardi-plank on my house. Takes paint well, fire proof. Only problem I know of is that it is hell to repair. If an animal kicks the panel hard enough -- it has to be replaced.

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